
Welcome to our School

Raasay Primary School strives to be a nurturing, caring and happy school that promotes healthy and active learning, whilst making the most of our relationships within our island community and our unique environment. We encourage and promote creativity,  resourcefulness and resilience and support children to be responsible. We promote positivity with a ‘Can Do’ attitude and foster our children to be responsible and respectful. This is  founded on our adaption of the well-being indicators

Safe, Happy, Healthy, Achieving, Nurturing, Active, Responsible, Respectful, Resilient, Inclusive

In Raasay Primary and Nursery we believe that from little acorns grow strong oaks.

‘bho stràcan beaga a ’fàs craobhan daraich…’

If we work together and nurture each other.


Friendship and Partnership

Responsibility for our learning journey

Challenge ourselves and have courage, creativity and resilience

Background Information

Raasay Primary school is situated about a quarter of a mile north of the village of Inverarish, in a beautiful location, overlooking the Sound of Raasay and the Cuillin Hills of Skye.

The school is known to have been in existence since the early 19th Century. The admission register dates back to 1875. The building is of considerable interest as it was built with stone taken from the site of a nearby Pictish broch, the remains of which can still be seen.

The original school building contains one main classroom, a library area, a small computer room and the canteen area. The pupil toilets and the office were added in the 1960s. A new Nursery extension has been opened in January 2008 and offers a light and spacious area for children and staff.

Raasay Primary School provides Nursery and Primary education to children living on the Isle of Raasay.  Each school serves its own particular catchment area. Pupils whose homes are located in that area will have priority in being allocated a place in the school. Children from outwith the Raasay area can also attend the school after applying for a placing request via the Area Care and Learning Manager,  Ms Mhairi MacDonald 07918 842021. Placing request forms can be obtained from: http://www.highland.gov.uk/info/878/schools/11/school_enrolment/2

Raasay Primary School is a non-denominational school, where all pupils and staff respect the beliefs and values of all, irrespective of race, colour, or creed. The current roll stands at 4 primary pupils (all boys) and currently there are no pupils in our school nursery, however, there are 3 pupils enrolled for starting nursery in August 2024.


Contact details of your school:

Head Teacher: Mrs Wilma Duncan

Raasay Primary School

School Park, Raasay

telephone: 01478 660219
email address: raasay.primary@highland.gov.uk

school times – start, finish, break, lunch etc

School begins: 0900
School finishes: 1500
Morning Break: 1030 – 1045
Lunch Break: 1230 – 1315

Click here to go to the  Primary School page on the Highland Council website